Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dear Volgograd,

Here I sit, in the Houston airport. I'm just waiting for my flight that will take me back to the rest of my family. I'll be home for about 20 hours. Then it's off to the next thing.

The next thing is called VOICE. I get to spend the rest of my summer as a V2 student, working and loving Taiwanese students! I'm uber excited, even though at the moment that looks like me in much need of sleep :) So with another trip upon me, I will post one more thing from Russia before pictures take over.

Dear Volgograd,
It was like I couldn't get away from you. Almost like you were holding me there. But now I've landed in Moscow and I miss you.

I know why my sister loves you so much. Your heart is great, your people strong. You have not let disaster keep you from rising up again.

I just want you to know, I believe God blesses each land and city with something special. You, Volgograd, have been blessed with courage. Courage to begin again, courage to endure, courage to strengthen your hearts. Your courage is deep and it is lasting. Someday, I know your courage will give you the faith to believe. Someday, your courage will give you the faith to believe. Someday, your courage will give you the hope to love.

I know all this because I know the Giver of your courage. He is faithful and just, He will heal your broken hearts and never leave you alone. The Giver is Holy, perfect in every way, yet He loves you enough to have died for you. His mercy is that great, and the passion He has for you that consuming. Volgograd, every country I've been to has been fantastic, I would do every trip again. But not all of those places have made me long to return. You have taken a piece of my heart.

I love you because my sister loves you, but also because you are worth loving. Someday I hope to return. But if that day never comes, know I'm praying for you. I see you raising up as a city and being a strong and courageous haven for the broken, all for the glory of God!

Jesus loves you Volgograd, each and every one of you. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. You cannot come to the Father but through Him. God promises believers that He will give them the desires of their hearts. One of my desires is that you know Him. Really and truly know Him.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Alana for such warm and sincere words. It's so nice to know that you like Volgograd and its inhabitants. You are the only people from America we have ever met. If other Americans are like you, I adore USA. I wish you to be happy, loved and lucky. I'm sure you will meet only good people in your way, because you can make every person around you good.
