Friday, May 4, 2012

Hey World Changer...

I once thought I knew what it meant to be a world changer.

Maybe I did.

I thought it was living a life that was different than normal...overseas, making a name for myself among the churches I grew up in, being one of the best photographers in the world, telling stories of lives so far away from anywhere I grew up.

But then all of my world changing tools left me. I was Stateside. I became a new girl in town. I put my camera down. My writing was put on the back burner.

And when all that left, I realized what it truly meant for me to be a world changer.

It was love.

Every day I get to pour into peoples lives. I get to encourage, I get to uplift. My passion was never traveling, photography or stories, it was loving people. This is what makes me happy, this is what makes me enjoy all of my world changing tools. The people, and how much I just want to love them.

So now, I'm not overseas. I'm not taking pictures. I'm just starting to write again. I serve coffee, I manage, I train. I listen and hear. I give directions. I move boxes. But I'm loving, and ever learning how to give more.

When I really think about it, I'm grateful for the life change. Because I am changing my world. The Creator of the universe started with love. It was the only reason He sent His Son to change the course of history. It was the first motivation that ever compelled the Son to die. "Because God so loved the world..." (John 3:16)

Love is really that powerful.

So why is it sometimes the last resort? Why isn't it my main motivation and investment? Why is most of life spent trying to get to a place where one can start loving instead of loving and then getting to that place? Why are so many waiting until they get their lives together to start loving? I'm here to say that I had it together, I had a name. I was considered by many to be a world changer. But until I had to stop and start only moving forward with love, I never found the blessing I was looking for.

Thank about it friends? Are you a world changer? Are you following God's example and loving first? Because you ARE a world or not?

Hey World Changer....

Where have you been?